Children’s Center Esslingen

Aktuelles Programm des Kinderzentrums Children's Center EsslingenEvery day at Agapedia Children's Center Esslingen, up to 60 children aged six to twelve learn how to use their spare time sensibly. These children learn how to be self-confident, to cooperate and to make decisions through children's circuses, crafting, sports, games and relationship-building guidance. We combine non-formal education…

European Solidarity Corps

European Solidarity Corps Since 2013, Agapedia has been a recognized organization of the EU program European Solidarity Corps (earlier: European Voluntary Service). Young Europeans can contribute their ideas to the Children’s Center Esslingen for up to a year and gain valuable experience in the work of an NGO. We would like to say a big…


Civil Society Network EUSDR In addition to our work in the communities over the last 23 years, Agapedia has been actively involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). This strategy of the European Union is tasked with boosting the strongest and weakest European countries in terms of socio-economics and harmonize their development…

Children’s Center Geislingen

Current Program of the Children’s Center Agapedia K19 – Herzenssache Home Jürgen Klinsmann, together with his former youth coach Werner Gass from SC Geislingen, had the idea to get involved with children in the heart of Geislingen. In several meetings in 2017 and 2018, together with the city administration in Geislingen and OB Frank Dehmer…