Children’s Center Geislingen
Current Program of the Children’s Center Agapedia K19 – Herzenssache Home Jürgen Klinsmann, together with his former youth coach Werner…
When we founded Agapedia in 1995, it was important for Jürgen Klinsmann to not only help children abroad but to also support children where he grew up himself. Esslingen on the Neckar river was the perfect starting location. According to the town’s youth welfare program, around 1,500 children live in the town center, many of whom spend their spare time on the streets.
Establishing a children’s center for ages six to twelve was our idea of creating a small, positive world in which children feel at home. It is a space for children to realize their potentials, practice social behavior as well as intercultural learning. They also learn how to cope with their own weaknesses.
Families in Germany are facing increasing pressure. Low wages, integration issues, the welfare net is unraveling. Child poverty (often invisible) is increasing. Around 2.04 million children, i.e., 15.1% of children under 15, receive welfare benefits.
Since 1996, Agapedia has worked for children aged 6 to 12 in downtown Esslingen. The project was expanded in 2011 with the inauguration of the new Children’s Center.
Current Program of the Children’s Center Agapedia K19 – Herzenssache Home Jürgen Klinsmann, together with his former youth coach Werner…
Civil Society Network EUSDR In addition to our work in the communities over the last 23 years, Agapedia has been…
European Solidarity Corps Since 2013, Agapedia has been a recognized organization of the EU program European Solidarity Corps (earlier: European…
Aktuelles Programm des Kinderzentrums Children's Center EsslingenEvery day at Agapedia Children's Center Esslingen, up to 60 children aged six to…
Am Sonntag den 8. Dezember 2019 war es endlich soweit: Das neue Kinderzentrum in Geislingen hat seine Türen geöffnet und…
Foto von links: OA Dr. Hans Eitel (Leiter Neuropädiatrie), Mariam Gogolauri (Agapedia Georgien), Lina Drews (Auszubildende Kinderkrankenpflegerin), Gesine Hartmann (Leiterin Agapedia…
Radio report by SWR 1 Herzenssache e.V. from the 02.12.18 about the Agapedia Children‘s Center in Esslingen and Geislingen:
We had a great program for children during fall break! Thirty children came together for a week for a program…
One year in the European Voluntary Service in Romania. Hello, I am Paula and I am 18 years old. Only…
On October 15, 2018, Jürgen Klinsmann visits the planned Agapedia K19-Herzenssache Haus in Geislingen. The empty rooms will soon be…