Agapedia was founded by Jürgen Klinsmann, Marika Barth, Stefan Barth, Ulrich Popp and Andre Gross in 1995 and develops projects that support children in need. Agapedia’s work consists of consulting and planning, organizing and implementing humanitarian projects. The aim of all measures is to provide direct help to affected children and people in need and to support social developments through sustainable projects.

Agapedia is a registered foundation in five countries, where our teams help others. The foundation’s administrative costs are borne by Agapedia’s founding members and the returns endowment fund.


The new house for women and childrenis inaugurated in Chisinau, Moldova. During the day, the house cares for babies and toddlers aged 0-3 whose mothers would have left them otherwise.

We celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Children’s Center in Esslingen. The children gave great performances in the sunshine and we received praise for our great work!


The two social orphans Ginkaand Rossita, who came to our emergency admission center in Sofia, Bulgaria, at the age of 9, pass the public university’s entrance exams for dentistry and sports science, and even place secondin their respective exams.

The Children’s Center in Esslingen holds its first ArtCamp. Children from Agapedia Romania and Agapedia Bulgaria experience a few weeks of exciting and creative vacation. Unterstützt wird die Truppe von den ersten europäischen Freiwilligen aus der Türkei, Frankreich und aus China.


In the networking project Donauwandel (Danube Change), Agapedia encourages youth encounters and training projects in the countries of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Inauguration of the new socio-medical center in Brasov/Romania. For the first time, an official member of the Romanian government visits us and thanks Agapedia for 17 years of hard work. The center is the home base of the Agapedia staff, which supports 25 municipalities in their social and medical work.

It’s done! We celebrate the inauguration of the new Children’s Center in Esslingen with all volunteers, employees, children, parents, and the mayor for social affairs!


We have found a house in Esslingen that will be our new Children’s Center! A year of extensive renovations, much of it with our own hands, lies ahead of us! It will be tough time…

The socio-medical center in Brasov, Romania, is becoming too small and we are moving. The towns’ trust is growing steadily. Children from the Children’s Center in Esslingen pack their circus material and visit social orphans in public children’s homes in Sofia, Bulgaria. Great new friendships are born!

A new children’s center for social orphans from the federal orphanages is founded in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

A socio-medical center is established in Chisinau/Republic of Moldova. The adjacent ward for malnourished infants and toddlers at the municipal children’s hospital is being completely renovated thanks to a donation from the RTL Foundation and has been continuously supported with powdered milk ever since.

Training sessions in Brasov, Romania, for public social workers from Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia. These countries have a lot of catching up to do! Our employees now also visit the rural areas in Romania.

For the first time, we are charity partner of the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix.

Abandoned children in Romania are now integrated into trained foster families. We start training federally recruited foster families, teachers, and social workers.


The new social-medical center in Brasov/Romania provides free basic medical care for destitute women, children and families.

The MobiMed project with mobile teams of physicians provides care for approx. 18,000 people in 13 isolated villages in Moldova. The children’s home takes in abandoned children, often in disheartening conditions. At one and a half years old, many of them cannot even sit or stand.


In Sofia, Bulgaria, the first teenagers cared for by Agapedia pass the university entrance exams.

We celebrate “10 years” of Agapedia with a benefit gala in Stuttgart.


Erwin Teufel, then Minister-President of Baden-Wurttemberg, visits the Children’s Center in Sofia, Bulgaria. At the same time, supervised residential groups are set up for children in care over the age of 18.

The demand by Romanian families who wish to adopt a child skyrockets. The over 150 families that already took in a child are supported until the child’s 18th birthday. In the Republic of Moldova, Agapedia provides training for social workers and nurses working in government agencies.

In Romania, many abandoned children can be adopted into domestic families, and many children succeed in reintegration into their family of origin through ongoing support. This is a great success, despite the opinion of the federal authorities, who have rolled out a lot of red tape to slow us down.

Wir eröffnen das Kinderheim in Chisinau und vermitteln verlassene Säuglinge und Kleinkinder entweder in die Ursprungs- oder in eine Adoptivfamilie innerhalb des Landes. Wieder sind wir die Ersten im Lande, die ausschließlich nationale Adoptionen durchführen!

In Esslingen wird der Kinderzirkus Zipzebu gegründet und erfreut sich eines begeisterten Zulaufs!

We take in the first two children:
George (4) and Madalina (2.5) in June 1996.

The children’s home for abandoned infants and toddlers is opened in Brasov/Romania.

The Agapedia children’s center opens in Esslingen am Neckar.