About Agapedia Germany

When we founded Agapedia in 1995, it was important for Jürgen Klinsmann to not only help children abroad but to also support children where he grew up himself. Esslingen on the Neckar river was the perfect starting location. According to the town’s youth welfare program, around 1,500 children live in the town center, many of whom spend their spare time on the streets.

Establishing a children’s center for ages six to twelve was our idea of creating a small, positive world in which children feel at home. It is a space for children to realize their potentials, practice social behavior as well as intercultural learning. They also learn how to cope with their own weaknesses.


Families in Germany are facing increasing pressure. Low wages, integration issues, the welfare net is unraveling. Child poverty (often invisible) is increasing. Around 2.04 million children, i.e., 15.1% of children under 15, receive welfare benefits.


Since 1996, Agapedia has worked for children aged 6 to 12 in downtown Esslingen. The project was expanded in 2011 with the inauguration of the new Children’s Center.

Projects of Agapedia Germany

Kinderzentrum Esslingen

Aktuelles Programm des Kinderzentrums Agapedia Kinderzentrum EsslingenTäglich erleben bis zu 60 Kinder im Alter zwischen sechs und zwölf Jahren im…

Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Europäisches Solidaritätskorps Seit 2013 ist Agapedia eine anerkannte Einrichtung des EU-Programms Europäisches Solidaritätskorps (früher: Europäischer Freiwilligendienst). Junge Menschen aus Europa…


Netzwerk Zivilgesellschaft EUSDR Analog seiner 23 jährigen Arbeit vor Ort ist Agapedia aktiv an der EU Strategie für den Donauraum…

Kinderzentrum Geislingen

Aktuelles Programm des Kinderzentrums Agapedia K19 – Herzenssache Kinderzentrum Jürgen Klinsmann hatte zusammen mit seinem ehemaligen Jugendtrainer Werner Gass vom…

Local Contact


Marika Barth


Stefan Barth

Von links: Stefan Barth (geschäftsführender Gesellschafter und Mitgründer der Stiftung Agapedia), Marika Barth (geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin und Mitgründerin der Stiftung Agapedia)

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