Since 2013, Agapedia has been a recognized organization of the EU program European Solidarity Corps (earlier: European Voluntary Service). Young Europeans can contribute their ideas to the Children’s Center Esslingen for up to a year and gain valuable experience in the work of an NGO.
We would like to say a big thank you to JUGEND IN ACTION! he volunteers from other European countries are an immense inspiration for the young Agapedia visitors. After all, many of the children who visit the center every day come from migrant families. They learn that cultural diversity is something beautiful and get a glimpse at life in other European countries.

Being a Volunteer
What does volunteer service mean to us? It means being a year away from homeland. A year of self-development and self-realization, everything is in flux. But for a year we are constantly confronted with fears and stereotypes. We could extend this list forever. Reading stories from other volunteers is one thing, feeling and experiencing them yourself is quite another. This year seems so infinite, infinitely full of people, new friends, lots of travel. Simply unforgettably beautiful, already today. So many new impressions and opportunities: from project work to creative design with the children to the intensive further training seminars of the European Voluntary Service. Our perspectives have already expanded incredibly. Thanks!
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