Weihnachtsfeier im Kinderzentrum Esslingen

Das Jahr 2018 wurde bei uns im Kinderzentrum mit einem grandiosen Weihnachtsfest beendet! Unsere Zirkus-Kinder haben sich lange auf diesen Abend vorbereitet und unsere Gäste mit einer einmaligen Show überrascht: Piraten auf Einrädern, Fakire mit Nagelbrett und Glasscherben, orientalische Kugelläuferinnen und geheimnisvolle Diabolospieler haben ihr Können gezeigt. Bei einer gemeinsamen Pyramide und einem Lied haben…

Agapedia Germany

About Agapedia Germany When we founded Agapedia in 1995, it was important for Jürgen Klinsmann to not only help children abroad but to also support children where he grew up himself. Esslingen on the Neckar river was the perfect starting location. According to the town’s youth welfare program, around 1,500 children live in the town…

Children’s Center Esslingen

Aktuelles Programm des Kinderzentrums Children's Center EsslingenEvery day at Agapedia Children's Center Esslingen, up to 60 children aged six to twelve learn how to use their spare time sensibly. These children learn how to be self-confident, to cooperate and to make decisions through children's circuses, crafting, sports, games and relationship-building guidance. We combine non-formal education…

European Solidarity Corps

European Solidarity Corps Since 2013, Agapedia has been a recognized organization of the EU program European Solidarity Corps (earlier: European Voluntary Service). Young Europeans can contribute their ideas to the Children’s Center Esslingen for up to a year and gain valuable experience in the work of an NGO. We would like to say a big…

Agapedia Bulgaria

About Agapedia Bulgaria Upon hearing about our work in Romania, a Bulgarian physician told us about the dire situation in public orphanages in Bulgaria, where children no longer live but rather eke out a pitiful existence. So we traveled to Sofia for the first time in 1999. After meeting with the responsible authorities, we realized…

Children’s Center Sofia

Children’s Center Sofia The Children’s Center Sofia takes in and cares for children from public children’s homes or difficult family situations who have been abused mentally or physically. It is a family-like institution. Children and teenagers aged six through 18 live together and are cared for by our loving staff. Our staff’s greatest challenge is…

Children’s Center Plovdiv

Children’s Center PlovdivIn 2008, we inaugurated the Agapedia Children’s Center Plovdiv, which is now a second home to abandoned children who live in nearby public children’s homes. At the Children’s Center, we offer these children cooking classes, computer courses, homework assistance, creative workshops and help them acquire the skills they need. The intensive relationship work…

Foster Family Program

Foster Family ProgramThrough our foster family programme, we trained Bulgarian foster families and the foster parents were prepared to take in a child in a three-month course. This enabled abandoned children to grow up in a family of their own and actively helped to close the large, inhumane state orphanages.Twice a year, the foster parents…

Student Program

Student ProgramYoung people from the Agapedia Children’s Centre who complete school with particularly good grades and are admitted to university receive financial support from Agapedia. Jana, for example, was able to successfully complete a degree in pharmacy after coming to the Agapedia Children’s Centre in Sofia from the state orphanage and completing her A-levels with…