Civil Society Network EUSDR

In addition to our work in the communities over the last 23 years, Agapedia has been actively involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). This strategy of the European Union is tasked with boosting the strongest and weakest European countries in terms of socio-economics and harmonize their development – from Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, and Austria in the West to Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Ukraine in the East.
Networking is particularly effective in the social areas, e.g. dual training in geriatric care and special needs nursing in Bulgaria, organizing international youth encounters, and advocating the interests of NGOs. The civil society network’s motto is: Solidarity, social inclusion, and social change.
International Project Office Stuttgart
The International Project Office in Stuttgart is our factory of ideas. It assumes full responsibility for Agapedia's German and international networks of foundations. Stefan Barth and Marika Barth work closely with local Agapedia teams to develop and adapt projects to local needs. The office develops individual projects and financing plans and creates project teams. It also takes great care in designing strategies to carry out long-term projects. At the same time, it accompanies, monitors and adapts current projects where they are implemented.