Agapedia Germany

About Agapedia Germany When we founded Agapedia in 1995, it was important for Jürgen Klinsmann to not only help children abroad but to also support children where he grew up himself. Esslingen on the Neckar river was the perfect starting location. According to the town’s youth welfare program, around 1,500 children live in the town…

Agapedia Bulgaria

About Agapedia Bulgaria Upon hearing about our work in Romania, a Bulgarian physician told us about the dire situation in public orphanages in Bulgaria, where children no longer live but rather eke out a pitiful existence. So we traveled to Sofia for the first time in 1999. After meeting with the responsible authorities, we realized…

Agapedia Moldau

About Agapedia Moldova Moldova ranks 112 in the Human Development Index 2018 (an index of human development in health, education and income). It thus remains Europe’s poorest country. Since Romanian is Moldova’s official language and we have had experience with post-communist structures in Romania, we decided to use synergies and establish aid projects here as…

Agapedia Romania

About Agapedia Romania Romania suffered one of the worst dictatorships in Southeast Europe until the 1989 revolution initiated social change. In 1995 the Agapedia Foundation Brasov was founded. As the first NGO in the country, Agapedia Romania started out with a project on domestic adoptions of abandoned infants and children aged 0 to 3. Agapedia…

Agapedia Georgia

Children’s and Youth Center Tbilisi Poverty and war in the post-socialist country of Georgia hits orphans and children from poor families the hardest. Our local partner LifeChance and we opened the first children’s and youth center in Tbilisi in 2017. It gives orphans a new home and a place to feel safe. The house has…