About Agapedia Moldova

Moldova ranks 112 in the Human Development Index 2018 (an index of human development in health, education and income). It thus remains Europe’s poorest country. Since Romanian is Moldova’s official language and we have had experience with post-communist structures in Romania, we decided to use synergies and establish aid projects here as well. We traveled to Moldova for the first time in the late 1990s.

After numerous trips and long talks to many people, we finally met Ms Ecaterina Mardarovici, a former parliamentary representative. She knew the situation and issues of her country very well and wanted to help abandoned children. In 2001 we were finally able to found Agapedia Moldova. A team of over 20 employees has been involved in many different projects ever since.


Moldova covers an area of 33,700 km2 and has a population of 3.5 mio. It is bordered by Romania and Ukraine.
Average net wage: 316 €
1 liter of fuel: 0.96 €
1 kg meat: 4 €
1 kg tomatoes: 0.80 €


Moldova was a Soviet state until 1991. Around 60% of its population are ethnic Romanians; there is an autonomous republic, Transnistria, and the official language is hotly debated: Romanian or Russian? A visa is required to immigrate. The soil is fertile, but the country is divided in many ways.

Agapedia Projects in Moldova

Gemeindepflege auf den Dörfern

Gemeindepflege auf den DörfernGemeinsam mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung haben wir im Jahr 2010 in Moldau dieses Pilotprojekt gestartet und…

Mutter-Kind-Zentrum Chisinau

Mutter-Kind-Zentrum ChisinauIn unserem Zentrum werden tagsüber Kleinkinder zwischen 0 und 3 Jahren betreut, deren Mütter sie sonst verlassen hätten, da…

Nationales Adoptions- und Pflegefamilienprogramm

Nationales Adoptions- und PflegefamilienprogrammZusammen mit der nationalen Kinderschutzkommission in Chisinau haben wir bis 2015 ein Pflegefamilienprogramm aufgebaut, um moldauische Pflegefamilien…

Local Contact


Ecaterina Mardarovici

From left: Mariana Balan (Senior Community Outreach Nurse in Cimislia County), Margareta Gavrilita (Social Worker), Marina Marian (Deputy Executive Director), Svetlana Lotesco (Project Coordinator), Sergiu Godoroja (Senior Community Outreach Nurse in Orhei County), Ecaterina Mardarovici (Executive Director and Co-Founder of Agapedia Moldova).