Agapedia Georgia

Children’s and Youth Center Tbilisi Poverty and war in the post-socialist country of Georgia hits orphans and children from poor families the hardest. Our local partner LifeChance and we opened the first children’s and youth center in Tbilisi in 2017. It gives orphans a new home and a place to feel safe. The house has…

Children’s Center Geislingen

Current Program of the Children’s Center Agapedia K19 – Herzenssache Home Jürgen Klinsmann, together with his former youth coach Werner Gass from SC Geislingen, had the idea to get involved with children in the heart of Geislingen. In several meetings in 2017 and 2018, together with the city administration in Geislingen and OB Frank Dehmer…

Ideenreich – Attic Conversion at the Agapedia Children’s Center in Esslignen am Neckar

Empowering children and showing social involvement in the communities. With and in the: Ideenreich! Since 1996, Agapedia has operated the Children‘s Center for children aged 6 through 12 in Esslingen, providing open welfare work. The center fosters the children‘s social behavior, creativity, and personality. We impart important values and prevent isolation, disorientation as well as…